
Ops-as-Code is crucial for modern IT Operations Teams because it automates and codifies operational processes - promoting team efficiency, consistency, scalability, and agility in meeting internal business demand for cloud services and application support.

Ops-as-Code is a transformative approach that enhances enterprise IT operations on multiple fronts. It embodies the principles of automation, standardization, scalability, and efficiency; making it a pivotal component of modern IT practices. Here are 5 benefits to embracing Ops-as-Code:

1. Ops-as-Code (OaC) Provides Unrivaled Efficiency

OaC enables IT teams to define, provision, and manage resources and workflows programmatically, replacing manual processes with automated code scripts. Once a script is published in E1, it can be shared with teammates who can now run the same exact operations with a few clicks.

2. Cost Optimization

Ops-as-Code empowers organizations to optimize costs by programmatically managing resources, shutting down idle instances, and enforcing budget controls. As a result, enterprises can achieve significant cost savings while maintaining high-performance levels, all from a one-time cadence of "set it and forget it".

3. Compliance and Security

Ops-as-Code promotes consistency and security through the codification of infrastructure policies and configurations. Security controls, compliance requirements, and access permissions can all be defined as code, ensuring that infrastructure adheres to regulatory standards and best practices consistently.

4. Scalability

Ops-as-Code facilitates rapid scalability to accommodate increased cloud usage and changing business requirements. Whether provisioning new resources, expanding existing infrastructure, or standardizing configurations - automation enables swift and consistent results. This scalability is invaluable in meeting business growth heads-on.

5. Enhanced Collaboration

OaC promotes collaboration between architecture and operations teams. The 3-step mental model of Discover, Detect, and Deliver encourages simplicity during System design. Collaboration is facilitated by RBAC, ACLs, and Crews within E1 so Engineers & Administrators can publish code that Operators and above are allowed to run.


Embracing Ops-as-Code enables organizations to operate more effectively, reduce costs, improve security/compliance, and remain agile in the face of evolving business challenges. As the IT landscape continues to evolve, Ops-as-Code stands as a cornerstone for achieving operational excellence in enterprise IT - and E1 provides a solid foundation for customers to organically build upon.

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