
What is EC2 Rightsizing?

By changing an EC2 instance's hardware type, also known as rightsizing it, you avoid over-provisioning (over-spending) and under-provisioning resources (resource constraints).
EC2 instances are provided in differently optimized instance family-types, with various vCPU / GB RAM combinations. AWS Source
Rightsizing contributes to performance tuning and cost optimization by matching an optimal instance type for the workload characteristics. This can result in better utilization of resources, cheaper costs, and a more sustainable/environmentally-friendly infrastructure.

How to achieve it?

Manually modifying an EC2 instance type takes 15-60 minutes to complete per instance. Here are the steps:
  1. Upgrade instance PV and NVMe drivers as required
  2. Log-in to the AWS Console for the account and region of the instance
  3. Navigate to the EC2 service page for All Instances
  4. Select EC2 instance
  5. Stop EC2 instance (powered-off)
  6. Actions > Instance Settings > Change instance type
  7. Start EC2 instance
  8. Monitor EC2 instance status checks

How to automate it?

Our method of achieving EC2 Rightsizing automation:
  1. Enable & collect AWS Compute Optimizer recommendations on all accounts OR Aggregate CPU & memory metrics from CloudWatch/similar tooling
  2. Review data and decide whether to automatically upsize based on performance bottlenecks, downsize to save on costs, or both.
  3. Rightsize and/or convert to AMD-based instance types for performance and cost benefits
  4. Regularly review optimization state and repeat as necessary

The Echelon One AWS EC2 Rightsizer system is available completely free of charge in E1 AstroHub for existing customers.

While it takes up to 60 minutes to manually rightsize a single instance in the AWS Console - rightsizing thousands of EC2 instances using Echelon One can be accomplished in the same amount of time.
Select individual or multiple EC2 instances to run the rightsize commands against (stop, modify, & start). Or, schedule the EC2 Rightsizer to dynamically rightsize instances during your regular maintenance windows.

E1 Customers easily rightsize their EC2 footprint, saving millions of dollars in compute costs every year.

Need more EC2 savings? Stay tuned for Part 2!

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